Sacred Forest in Forest Guinea
Sacred Forest, immersion in a village, elephants, chimpanzees and liana bridges
15 days trip
For the first time in years, we are returning to explore the fascinating world of southern Guinea.
The state of the roads has improved and allows us to calmly consider this journey that will allow us to discover the Sacred Forest.
Rich in three biotopes (Ziama biosphere reserve, Diecké classified forest, Nimba Mountains biosphere reserve).
The forested Guinea is ideal for exploring dense forests where unrivaled plant quality, very rich fauna and above all the possibility of meeting the villagers who live in harmony with these places are combined.
This trip, which I would rather call an expedition, will require a great capacity for adaptation, flexibility, tolerance and empathy.
The conditions may sometimes be limited in terms of comfort, the state of the roads and tracks and the changes that may have occurred beyond our control. In short, an adventurous spirit!
Departure from 6/7 to 12 people maximum with 2 vehicles minimum
The Conakry Nzerekoré flight
The forest and its amazing customs.
The chimpanzees of Bossou.
The Ziama forest and its elephants.
An approach to the extraordinary biodiversity of the region.
The liana bridges.
The three-day immersion in the animist village of Palé
Ceci est le titre
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Ceci est le titre
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Saturday Day 1: Paris – Conakry.
Night at the hotel.
Visit of the sacred forest and the Ethnological Museum. Night at the hotel.
MONDAY Day 3: N’Zérékoré – Bossou
We join Lola where we will ask for the pass to visit Bossou and the Nimba Mountains. Night in a campsite.
TUESDAY Day 4: Bossou
We will have to be early to discover the chimpanzees of Bossou. Studied for a long time by a Guinean-Japanese scientific mission, they are acclimatized and allow us to approach them quite closely.
The researchers will explain to us how the chimpanzees of Bossou are considered by the village population to be their ancestors and their surprising habits, so close to those of humans.
As such, they are protected and the tolerance towards their stupidity and theft in the fields is astonishing.
Night camping in the village.
WEDNESDAY Day 5: The Nimba Mountains
The mountain range of about forty kilometers straddling Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia which peaks at 1752 meters, Mount Richard-Molard is the 2nd highest peak in West Africa.
This group is classified as World Heritage and has unfortunately already been damaged by the ambition of mining companies.
A detour will take us to the Gbakoré track to reach after the plateau of the scientific camp through a forest of giant bamboos, a meadow where duikers and bushbucks graze.
From there, a two-hour walk on the ridges on the summits will allow you to discover an astonishing panorama of Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia.
Night in N’zérékoré.
Attention: at the time we publish this trip, access is authorized. It may be prohibited without notice.
If this were the case, this day would be replaced by an excursion to the Dieke forest.
Night in a campsite.
THURSDAY and FRIDAY Days 6 and 7: Ziama Biosphere
Day dedicated to the Ziama biosphere reserve, classified since 1942.
We may be able to observe, if our research is successful and luck is with us, the forest elephants (the last viable population in Guinea), the reserve contains no less than 133 species of mammals, hence its great interest.
This day will allow us to visit traditional Toma villages (with their animist fervor still very much alive).
Night in the forest or in the villages, camping.
SATURDAY Day 8 Seredou
After a short stretch of the Piste du Café, we will reach Sérédou, Toma country, in the heart of the Ziama massif.
This region is also where most of the vine bridges are located, even if the secret societies that build and repair them are trying to disappear.
Some research in 4×4 then on foot after palaver with the village elders and the guardians of the bridge.
« Magical », the vine bridges are built and maintained by the secret societies, with the help of the genies. Not everyone can approach them!
SUNDAY to TUESDAY Days 9 to 11: Palé
We turn back towards Sérédou, where we will take a very bad track that in a few hours will take us to the village of Palé. Palé is one of the rare totally animist villages still existing in the forest.
To the rhythm of the cult of the spirits of the ancestors, life flows slowly there, almost unchanged for centuries.
We will stay there three days, which will allow us to get to know and be accepted by the population (be careful to respect the sacred perimeters!). Maybe then we will have the chance to discover the masks.
In any case, we will have had beautiful walks around the village, learned a lot about medicinal plants and met villagers from another time, another world. Nights in a campsite.
WEDNESDAY Day 12: Seredou- Faranah
Long road to reach Faranah. Visit to the Kissidougou Museum; Night at the hotel.
THURSDAY Day 13 Faranah – Kindia
Long road to reach Kindia. Night at the hotel.
FRIDAY Day 14: Kindia
Visit to Kindia, its market, its artisans and relaxing by the water. Evening hosted by the musicians of the association « Danse Ta Vie » which educates street children.
Night at the hotel or guesthouse.
SATURDAY Day 15: Conakry – FRANCE
Visit to the National Museum. Transfer to the airport and flight to FRANCE.
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